Case StudiesIncentive Program SuccessIncentivesRestaurant Incentives and Recognition

SUCCESS: Improving Sales in a Restaurant Environment

By February 21, 2017 August 10th, 2021 No Comments

In July of 2010, the management team of the Silver Grill Cafe located in Fort Collins, Colorado implemented a Snowfly gamification-based employee incentive program with the expectation that it would motivate participating wait staff to sell more of specific menu items (Wikipedia defines gamification as “the use of game design techniques and mechanics to solve problems and engage audiences.”) As part of the program, participants were awarded with the opportunity to play online random-point-yielding games when they sold a fresh-squeezed orange juice or a 4-pack of cinnamon rolls. Participants could then convert their points to dollars by placing them on a personal VISA® debit card. Upon comparing sales figures in months with the gamification-based employee incentives versus those months without them, it is estimated that the Silver Grill realized an ROI of 66.2%. This means that for every $1 dollar they invested in their incentive program they received an additional $1.66 in revenue due to an increase in sales of the targeted menu items.

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