Recognition Programs

Jimmy Johson, Former Dallas Cowboys Football Coach, Talking About Recognition

By January 20, 2020 No Comments
Snowfly Recognition Appreciation Thank You

A saw this video floating around social media and thought “what the heck, I’ll watch it.” I think I’m the only Snowfly person who doesn’t like (or, LOVE) sports. On any given internal meeting something about a recent game or rivalry will come up and I don’t have much to say. I’ve never been a sports guy.

But I do love learning about and from people who excel in their field. And athletes and coaches generally excel in their fields… So I pushed play on the video to see what the big deal was.

Here’s the longer (3:52) video, in case you want to soak it all in. I didn’t know who Jimmy was, but I could tell this was a big deal. In this shorter video, though, there’s more context, and they get right to the meat I wanted to share:

If you are not into sports, or football, then hang in there with me. If you are into sports, get out a tissue.

At 1:03 Jimmy responds to having found out he was inducted into the Hall of Fame. He appropriately gives props to his former assistant coaches, etc.

At 1:27 is when he makes a profound statement, through tears:

“When you put in the work that we put in, it’s nice to know people appreciate it.”

If Jimmy Johnson, who is a celebrity in his own field, who has gotten compensated in ways the average person couldn’t even imagine, who has probably done hundreds or thousands of interviews, won awards, etc., says that he appreciates recognition, what do you think that says about the team you manage?

Financial compensation isn’t the only way to say “thanks.”

Jimmy says it’ nice to know people appreciate what you have done.

How can you do that?

In Snowfly we create an environment where we help peers recognize one another. We also give managers tools to recognize their team members.

This can be done with words alone, which can be very motivating. It can be done with some kind of reward or prize… it’s up to you.

The point we want to make is that the power of recognizing, and showing appreciation, is enough to make even an super accomplished professional teary-eyed.

Think of what a little appreciation from you can do for anyone on your team.

Want to use Snowfly to reinforce a culture of appreciation? A culture where your team gives more than they are asked, because they love what they do and know they are appreciated?


We want to talk to you about your culture, and how recognition and incentives and gamification can help with employee satisfaction and employee performance.

Jason Alba

Jason Alba

I'm passionate about building great cultures. I love respect in the workforce, especially respect that is earned. I love strategic management, leadership, and vision. I love healthy companies through profitability. I love employee engagement, employee performance, and employee satisfaction. I love how Snowfly can help YOUR organization work towards all of these things.

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